Good article. The level of corruption in the mainstream media and MSM connected traders in financial markets is highly disturbing.

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Thank you and I agree competely. And the fact that this only came out from litigation makes you wonder how much goes on behind the scenes that we don't realize!

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Keep jabbing away Edwin. 👏🏼🙏🏼

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I would consider subscribing but I find the price a bit too rich for me. Thank you for the commentary.

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convergence inevitable.


capitalism is the biz, fines are participation fees, ethics and real journalism are woke constraints.

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<< Shrout, the former dHybrid (later rebranded Nikola) employee, and Paul Lackey, the former Nikola contractor who figured out Nikola rolled its truck down a hill, were each compensated $600,000 by Hindenburg>>

Were they paid that money by Hindenburg or did they short the stock themselves?

See from the article linked:

<< But Lackey wasn’t exactly a dream witness for the prosecution. He collected about $600,000 in stock sale proceeds after aligning himself with short sellers that nearly crushed the startup.>>

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Hi Anlam, In my view, the bad bets podcast expresses more clearly that Shrout and Lackey were paid by Hindenburg or a Hindenburg affiliate. Season 2, Episode 5 (Minute 26)

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From the transcript of the podcast:

<<Ben Foldy: Okay. We don't know the total figure that Hindenburg made on its bet, but we do know how much money some individuals made from it. Mike Trout, former employee at dHybrid, the one who buried himself in his garage to help write the report, he got $600,000. As did Paul Lackey, the engineer from Oregon who figured out the truck rolling down the hill video. Both of them watched Trevor unravel from afar.>>

It seems reasonable to assume that it was Hindenburg but it's not explicitly stated.

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haha holy shit. how do I short hindenburg

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I have nothing against short sellers but that Hindenberg guy always rubbed me the wrong way. That said it’s gotta be being in the short biz with central banks so active in boosting markets falsely.

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Speaking solely for myself, it's hard to take your judgement seriously when you write that you thought the WSJ was the standard bearer for journalistic integrity. lol. Rupert Murdoch owns the WSJ. That's all one needs to know. His attachment to any journalistic enterprise immediately renders it suspect. But kudos to you for calling them out. Nowadays it seems like Wall St has more leaks of inside information than ever before.

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Oct 24Edited
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Hi Harold, Thank you for your support. This is not my modus operandi and I don't plan on writing more articles like this. I think it's important to speak truth to power when you see something that's wrong and that's what I was trying to do here.

You can expect more of the typical articles from The Bear Cave going forward.

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